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HI! We are still alive!

Well hello, 2019!  Boy, did the last half of 2018 get away from me.  I mean, I've had small kids before, why is this round kicking my butt?  Anyway, lets get back to our adoption and how we got these small kids! If you remember, I was in the middle of our adoption journey.  We had just had our 3rd failed match and we were questioning if we should move on.  March of 2017 we decided we would move forward with very strict stipulations for our agency that we weren't too fond of! We were giving ourselves 6 months and then we were done.  We also wanted a very, very short match with a baby born situation being ideal. April 7, 2017 - we were a little over 6 weeks from our last failed match.  Greg was visiting a buddy in Colorado for the weekend and I was staying home with Kyson getting things done.  Kyson was down for a nap and I was finally sitting down and relaxing when the phone rang.  It was 3:30 pm.  Our agency was on the other end of the line and told me they had a situation
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When life hand you lemons....have vodka on hand!

In October of 2016 we decided we wanted to adopt again! We both had reservations about this, but decided it would be best for Kyson to have a sibling that is closer than that 15-19 years age gap of he and the other boys!  So we reluctantly signed with our previous agency due to many reasons.  This time felt different.  We had A LOT more requirements we wanted them to meet.  I felt like I knew a little more about the adoption process, so I wanted to call the shots with them.  I did have to have a "come to Jesus" talk with them.  Basically, and this is what I tell anyone who is adopting....this is your life.  If you are paying an agency, then you deserve to feel wanted and special.  This is their JOB, but this is your LIFE.  We were told they only call us if they have something to tell us.  That is not okay.  Call me weekly just to check in...this is a very stressful process! Anyway, we were matched with a birth mom in December and from the get-go, I didn't have a great fe

Third time is a charm!

So sorry for the long break in between post! November got away from me! Third time is a charm, right?  After returning from Florida and trying to get back to life as we knew it, we also knew we MAY have a baby due in a few weeks. Like I said, I fell into a depression. I really could not get my heart into this third opportunity. I returned anything baby we had. There were no signs in our house that a baby was possibly due in 3 short weeks.  We had booked a vacation in early 2014 to go to Disney World in May. We would return one day before Mama C was to be induced. We still went on our vacation, because at this point, I needed to spend time with my family. My family I knew was probably as complete as it was ever going to be. My two older boys joined us and it was just what I needed! We returned home on a Sunday night in the middle of a very bad thunderstorm. Lighting struck our house and took out our cooktop! Put that on the list of things to do! We hadn’t really communicat


If Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 other letters.  After our first adoption opportunity didn’t work out, we jumped right back in...and I mean jumped in with two feet! One week later we were matched again. This time Mama A lived in Florida with her grandmother and aunt and her two other children. Her grandmother was not in good health and her Aunt was slowly becoming unhealthy.  Now, remember our first expectant Mom was  not really wanting much contact? Well, this was the complete opposite. Mama A would text me on the average 1,000 times a day. I’m not exaggerating. She was my full time job. And I have an actual job! I have never been so stressed in my life. It became a bit of an obsession. Like, her kids won a fish at a school fair and they named it Jami. You can’t make this stuff up!  I spoke with our agency about this and their response was “well, she clearly needs someone to talk to.” Yes, I agree...and I am happy to talk to her, but this is not my job. I don’t know how to c

One of Five

October 14, 2013.  The date we officially became a "waiting family" with Adoption Network Law Center (ANLC).  This is the agency we chose.  I did the research, talked to the ladies and had a good feeling.  We were referred to them from another reputable agency, our local attorney had worked with them several times, so we felt comfortable in our choice.  As time went on, we would not feel this way, but more on that later.   ANLC has their own media department that puts your profile together and gets it out to expectant moms based on what they are looking for.  They have your profile on different websites, different social media, etc.  The main profile is one that we are given access to check on.  We can see how many people visited our page.  With that being said, that had become my new obsession.  Everyday, and probably more like multiple times a day, I would check to see how many people visited us.  I gave this website to NO ONE, because I wanted to know legit numbers, not

Let's talk adoption!

Let's take it back to October 2013.  Well, really, before that, but we will start there! We officially became a waiting family and made it official by announcing on Facebook!  I mean, how else do you make things official? Now, realistically, I knew it could be a long wait...I mean, I've seen Dateline! That is what adoption is, right? Sign some paperwork, wait for a bit and then BOOM!, you get chosen and you get a baby! Easy Peasy!  Ok, so I was wrong...very, very, wrong! I grew up in small town Nebraska and my husband grew up in one of the two "big cities" Nebraska has.  We are somewhat sheltered! My best friend growing up had a brother who was adopted at birth...but didn't talk about it! A couple years prior to us talking adoption, one of my best friends adopted a little girl.  They worked with an agency, they got a call and a few months later they had a baby! I thought to myself, "well, this can't be that hard.  That seems pretty easy

Hello Fresh-Do I love it?

Ok, so let me start this off with no one is paying me! I bought my own box and this is my honest opinion! Cooking is something I enjoy....I don’t love it, but I enjoy it.  I LOVE baking! Let me tell you why I don’t LOVE cooking! Because I have a family! And said family is picky! I mean, I’m picky...but I figure if I’m cooking, I can cook stuff I like! I don’t eat seafood, my husband doesn’t eat red meat and my three year old just doesn’t eat! My one year old eats about anything, though, so that's a win! Anyway, a couple months ago my husbands’ Aunt said she had done Hello Fresh and had a free week to give away and asked if we would like to try it!  I had been looking at different meal delivery options but never committed. So I figured a free sample would be a great start! So I signed up, picked my meals and a few days later I get the meals! Pretty good and tasty!  But would I do it again if I had to pay for it....not sure! I kept my account active and just delayed the shipments